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CEO Message

ceo  “A lot of poor and underprivileged groups in the Arab world suffer from poverty with its varying intensity, frequent occurrence of natural disasters and wars resulted in more poverty and homelessness, however still we don’t find one Arab organization competent in fighting hunger and providing food security for indigenous peoples and underprivileged groups;. FBRN will take the lead to present an Arab model for organizing charity work randomness, unify efforts and encourage cooperation between different sectors for protecting the right of people to feed themselves in dignity.

From this point, Food banks operating under FBRN umbrella are now raising a common slogan “Be Greedy to Feed More Needy” and are looking forward to change the world to achieve food sufficiency, secure the environment, and develop needy people and lot more .


  Finally it has to be combination of development, awareness, feeding as well as investment that can change our world. It can’t be just one angle or one method that works out..

– Dr. Moez El Shohdi, Founder and CEO, FBRN