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FBNR received recognition award during IHC Global Meeting

FBNR received recognition award during  IHC Global Meeting

International Humanitarian City - IHC

8 of our members received recognition awards last week during our Global Meeting!
congratulations on your remarkable campaigns, innovative projects, and great initiatives!

“The Most Remarkable Campaign”
NRS International for their #PeaceDoves Initiative

“The Most innovative projects for a humanitarian impact”
A. Category Humanitarian Organisation:
a. Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for their Ebola Treatment Centre in the Democratic Republic of Congo
b. Food Banking Regional Network for their model and programs to secure food resources
B. Category Commercial Company: SocioLadder for their platform "Missing Children"

“The Best Initiatives”
A. Category Commercial Company: #Alpinter Middle East for their stock of relief items and jerrycans production facility in the UAE
B. Category Humanitarian Organisation:
- Smile Train for their model of work and new speech app
- Positive Planet for their initiative to empower youth
- Operation Give & Grow (OGG) for their practical care to shelter children

Stay tuned for the video and to learn more about their projects!